
Hi, my name is Jessica and this is George. I have lived all over the world, but currently call LA home. I started a blog to chronicle our adventures, at home and abroad. What is it that you bring with you everywhere you go? What makes you tick? What brings joy and meaning to your life? This blog is a collection of the people, places, and little things in life that do just that. 


Do you remember Dumbo's feather?

If you ever saw Disney's classic, Dumbo, then you might recall that Dumbo was a little elephant with big ears, who found that he could fly. Only, he didn't think that he could until someone gave him a "magic" feather that allowed him to believe in the possibility. Of course, the feather wasn't really magic, and of course, he could fly before he had it, and of course, it's just a story and elephants can't actually fly. But I love this story, because when life gets you down, sometimes it's the littlest things that lift us up. This blog is full of those little things. Our found feathers. 
